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Yoda was almost played by a monkey in Episode V.1
Episode VI almost had a completely different ending, as Luke almost took Darth Vader’s helmet after his death and put it on, and turned to the dark side. 1
The clone troopers in Episodes 2 and 3 were all completely created by a computer, and that no physical body was ever used. 1
David Prowse, the man who played the physical Darth Vader, is banned from all Star Wars events, because George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars found him annoying. 1
Episode V used the most stop motion animation of all the films, from AT-ATs, AT-STs, snowspeeders, X-wings, and more. 1
The sounds of the TIE fighters is the sound from an elephant digitally enhanced. 1
In Episode V, Mark Hamill, or Luke Skywalker was in a bad car accident before the movie, and the script had to be changed to make sure it went well with the scars on his face. Also when he went under the water in Episode IV, he popped a blood vessel on the side of his face, and the camera angles had to be changed to cover the scar. 2
“I have a bad feeling about this,” has been said in every movie. 1
In A New Hope, C-3PO goes passed a creature’s bones that were accidentally left in the desert. They were soon found by the crew again when they were filming Attack of the Clones. 4
Luke’s home on Tatooine was a real house that people in Tunisia still live in today. 2
A New Hope was the only Star Wars movie to be nominated for an Academy Award for the Best Picture, and would also be the first Science Fiction movie nominated for Best Picture. Alec Guinness (Ben Kenobi) was also the only character to be nominated for Best Actor. 3
Denis Lawson, or Wedge Antilles, is the uncle of Ewan McGregor, who played Obi-Wan in Episodes I through III 3
Chewbacca was based off of George Lucas’s dog Indiana (which is where Indiana Jones came from). 3
Luke was originally going to be a girl, a 60 year or be called Luke Starkiller, and Han Solo was going to be a green alien. ( Check the far left side of my picture gallery and that's what it would have looked like.) 3
Alec Guinness didn’t like his role as Obi-Wan Kenobi, and that he didn’t like the things he had to do in his role. He was almost glad to be killed in Episode IV, but surprisingly would have done it again. 3
In the video game “The Force Unleashed,” there was a base on Kamino that was named Starkiller Base, and J.J. Abrams is taking up the name into The Force Awakens as the new Death Star. 4
Twentieth Century Fox was so sure that Episode IV was going to be a disaster, but in fact it made so much money that it saved the company from going into bankruptcy. 3
David Prowse did his only fighting in Episode IV because he kept breaking the lightsabers he used in the movie. 3
People were unsure of the phrase “Wars” in the title, as they thought sales would be down right after the Vietnam War. 3
According to the canon of the movies, the only places on Tatooine that are inhabitable are the poles because of the two suns. 3
May Fourth is international Star Wars Day, as it goes with the phrase “May the Force be with you.” 3
And all of the movies were shown in May except for Episode VII and Episode VIII coming soon. 4
The name Tarkin, as in Grand Moff Tarkin, and Emperor Palpatine, and even the Empire all relate to the Roman Empire, the Tarquin family of Rome, and Palpatine Hill. 3
The Force Awakens is the best selling movie of all time in the Western Hemisphere, making $754 million dollars in 20 days compared to Avatar's $750 million over a 7 month period. 4
Darth Vader was the first character George Lucas created. 3
George Lucas intended Star Wars to be a Disney-like movie, and 30 years later he sold LucasFilms to Disney for $4 billion. 3
Harrison Ford was only paid $10,000 for his performance in A New Hope. 2
The word "Jedi" came from the words "Jadai Geki" which in Japanese means "period adventure drama" Lucas saw the words a year before production and he started to like the words. 3
Peter Mayhew, the man who plays Chewbacca, got the job 10 seconds after he met George Lucas: All he had to do was stand up. 3
Episode IV is the only Episode where Darth Vader's face isn't shown. You see it in Episode V when he has a machine put it on for him, and you see it in Episode VI when Luke takes it off for him. 4
The Millenium Falcon got its design from George Lucas, after he took a bite out of a hamburger with an olive in the side of it. 4
Episode VI had beaten Jaws as the all-time best selling movie, but was beaten by E.T. The Extra Terrestrial but beat it again in the 1997 re-release. Then Titanic beat it that same year. 3
The terms X-Wing, Y-Wing, and TIE Fighter were originally used by the producers of the movies to make it easy to identify them, but the names got popularity by the people when the toys were sold. 3
R2-D2's beeps and boops were created using a mix of an eletronic synthesizer and the voice of Ben Burtt, creator of all the sounds of Star Wars. 3
Darth Vader's breathing was made by putting a mirophone inside a regulator of scuba breathing gea, and breathed in different ways. 4
The lightsabers got their sounds from an old motor on a projector at the USC Cinema Department. 4
The podracers got their sounds from a mix of different cars, including Mustangs and Porches. 4
The noises of Chewbacca are made by animals like bears, badgers, and even walruses. 4
Kylo Ren's Star Destroyer is named The Finalizer. 4
Kylo Ren's lightsaber is made out of a damaged Kyber crystal, which is why his saber looks the way it does. 4
In the early stages of development, Luke would have been named Annikin Skywalker (yes it is spelled that way) and Obi-Wan would have been named Luke Starkiller. 3
Chewbacca and Jabba came from the Russian words sobaka (which means dog- for Chewie) and zhaba (which means toad for Jabba). 3
In the end of Episode IV when Luke destroys the Death Star and he greats Leia, many people thought he said "Carrie!" and not "Leia!" But Mark Hamill claimed years later that he sid "Hey!" 3
It was actually in 2003 when George Lucas decided to make Star Wars Episode VII a real idea, although he only needed a director. That of course would be J.J. Abrams. 4
According to Harrison Ford, when interviewed in The Making of Star Wars Chewbacca is 200 years old. 3
George Lucas named Luke Skywalker after himself. 3
When the Jawa stuns R2 on Tatooine, he says "Gute idee!" which is German for "Good idea!" 3
The sound sandpeople make are from a mule. And the banthas the sandpeople ride on are actually elephants, but they were difficult to use because they overheated when in the desert. 4
When Luke and Leia swung across the gap in Episode IV, it was actually Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher who did the stunt themselves. 3
Episode IV was meant to be one movie on its own but George Lucas changed it at the end as he saved Darth Vader from crashing. It is also similar to Episode II as the droid factory scene was never in the original script, but Lucas added it in at the last second. (If you listen carefully, the music that is played is from other scenes of the movie). 3